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Showing posts from April, 2019

International Call for G20 Osaka No! Action Week – 2019/6/23 – 6/29 #byebye_trump_Osaka2019

International Call #byebye_trump_Osaka2019 G20 Osaka No! Action Week – 2019/6/23 – 6/29 Goodbye Trump! Goodbye Abe!  Get Together For Our Future! April 4, 2019 We, peace-loving people and organizations in Japan committed to the rights of diverse components of the society and the protection of the environment of the earth, are preparing to mobilize against G20 Summit to be held in Osaka on June 28 – 29. In face of prolonged wars and military buildup in the world, catastrophic failures of neo-liberal economic policies, rising of racism and bigotry, existential crisis of the earth environment, voices of grassroots people should decide the future of the human society.  We do not mandate the self-proclaimed leaders of the world who gather as “G20” to decide anything among themselves. Our special emphasis is on the extraordinary and dangerous role of Trump administration in the U.S. and Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan which closely cooperate with it.  Democracy is at stake an

【開催案内】G20大阪 NO! アクション・ウィーク 5・11プレ企画

サヨナラ安倍   サヨナラ・トランプ! G20大阪   NO !   アクション・ウィーク(6・23~29) 5・11プレ企画☆小倉利丸さん講演会 □講演:「G20の混迷と私たちの未来」  小倉利丸さん(批評家、ブログ「 no more capitalism 」を主宰、   著書に『絶望のユートピア』など) □海外からのビデオメッセージほか 5月11日(土)午後6時半から エルおおさか 南館5階ホール  地下鉄谷町線 / 京阪・天満橋下車・土佐堀通り沿いに西へ300 m (松屋町筋との交差点の手前) 参加費500円 [PDF版チラシ]